The Problem with Trying to Avoid Pain

This is not about physical pain stemming from a medical condition—you can talk to your medical doctor about that. Emotional pain is the worst. And the number one go-to strategy to deal with it is often avoidance. Something happens to trigger the onset of emotional pain like a failed relationship, a demanding boss, someone else’s…

Marci Bell MA LPC Christian Counseling Aurora Colorado

Everyone Believes in Something

With many counseling goals, a discussion of what you believe will need to be addressed at some point. Many believe in God, a Higher Power, or karma. Even if someone identifies as an atheist, there are things they believe to be true about life and how the world works. Most folks have faith the sun…

Marci Bell MA LPC Christian Counseling Aurora Colorado

Self-Fulfilling Prophecies

Like a moth drawn to a flame . . . Have you ever repeatedly made choices you regretted—like dating the same type of person again and again with the same problematic results—but you weren’t sure why? Or maybe you have repeatedly re-experienced the same life dilemma—like often feeling rejected or feeling like you can never…