Love Habits Couples Resources
Love Habits Marci Bell MA LPC Husband Wife Couples Marriage Counseling Metro Denver Aurora Colorado

Love Habits.  Really, all couples want the same thing: We all want to be in the “sweet spot” of marriage success; however this may look different for each couple.  This is a self-guided (or group workshop format) couples empowerment program.  It identifies 12 habits—that anyone can learn—required for marriage success.  There are several excerpts (taken from the program and adapted for this website) given here to help couples in the marriage counseling process.

The Love Habits program is written by Marci Bell and has been presented by Marci together with her husband Mark to many workshop participant couples.  Limited supplies of the hard copy of the book are available from Marci Bell.

Ask about private Love Habits classes in person or via online video conferencing.

Coming soon:

Love Habits eBooks

Love Habits Online Classes—use email contact to sign-up.


Love Habits Table of Contents (PDF)

Family-Of-Origin Impact Questionnaire (PDF)

Self-Test Guidelines (PDF)

Communication Ground Rules (PDF)

Emotional Triggers in Marriage (PDF)

Forgiveness Tidbits (PDF)


Myers-Briggs Personality Preferences Test.For Myers-Briggs (Jung Typology) Test, which is useful in couples and individual counseling.  The test is fun, free to take, and it only takes about 10 minutes.  Note:  the marriage or couples test from the website is NOT recommended.  I only recommend taking the test for individuals.Click on this link to take the test for individuals (which is also useful in marriage goals):